Monday 26 January 2015

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year to you all and it looks like it's going to be a busy one again. Lots of ideas pinned to our Pinterest board for 2015 so we have already drafted out a schedule for the year ahead. (see your email)

Our first workshop of the year will be next Wednesday 28th January. All the other dates for the year are on the side bar, but it will be the last Wednesday of the month as usual, apart from November when we have our two workshops. We then have our Christmas meal in December - usually on a Wednesday too.

Our January workshop will give you the opportunity to get a head start for the year. We will be making cards with a calendar or month theme, so you can make a card for any birthday or other occasion and tailor it to the month the event takes place.

If this doesn't appeal you will also have the chance to make a 2015 calendar to get you organised for all your important events in the year ahead!

Memberships will be due this month too. The cost of membership will remain at £15 this year and then each workshop will be £5. Non members will pay £6.50. Members will receive a craft pack and we will announce our new Challenge for 2015 on Wednesday.