Sunday 25 March 2012

Flowers and more

March Card Club is fast approaching. This month Michelle and I will be looking at recycling techniques using plastic bottles and drink cans to make flower embellishments for cards and other craft projects. We have been busy collecting our own recycling to bring with us, but over the next few days if you could save your plastic bottles (water, fizzy drinks etc NOT milk bottles) and your drink cans and bring them to Wednesday's workshop instead of putting them in the recycle bin, then the extras would come in handy I'm sure.

Kay will also be doing a demo this month using Card Candy to make flower embellishments. Extra tools to bring, to supplement Club ones, include ball tools, tweezers and fine black pens. (see below)

Sounds fun! See you there.

Thursday 1 March 2012


...our first ever Step by Step guide!! Thanks to Kay for taking the photos during my demo last night and then compiling the Step by Step guide to Stampbord. So now if you need a recap or if you were sitting on the other demo table, or if you missed the workshop you can click on the link above to see how we did the Stampbord!

This is our first one and was a bit of an experiment, so apologies that we do not have similar for Michelle's demo, but we are aiming to feature one demo per month as a Step by Step guide initially. Please let us know what you think.

Kay also took lots of piccies of the finished Stampbord tiles. You are a creative lot aren't you!

And here is what was going on over on Michelle's table. Very impressive too!